Motivating requirements
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Motivation is every man's quest to find satisfaction of one's own needs. It is the driving force that allows us to reach our goals, from those of survival to those of self-realisation.
Once a person has satisfied his basic needs, he becomes free to focus his attention on more elevated needs, such as those of security, social relationships and esteem.
Once a particular need has been satisfied, it loses its ability to motivate. In order to be able to motivate other people, one must first know what specific needs drive them at that specific time and then create the opportunities to satisfy such needs.
It is pointless, for example, to try to stimulate someone who is mainly driven by basic needs with tools aimed at self-realisation; or to assign a difficult and demanding task to a collaborator who has pronounced and unsatisfied security needs. Demotivation, which would actually negatively emphasise the existing needs, is the far greater risk in these cases. On the other hand, assigning the same task to someone with great self-realisation needs will increase the chances of motivating him. Once a person has satisfied his basic needs, he becomes free to focus his attention on more elevated needs, such as those of security, social relation and esteem.